NiceConcept provide all information about the computer ,General Knowledge, current affairs and biography of popular person.
In the computer section we are cover the computer fundamental, computer Hardware , computer software, Internet, C- Language , CCC , DCA, PGDCA etc.
In the General Knowledge we are provide the Science, History, Economy and Current Affairs.
In the Biography we are cover all person who is Player, Leader, Actor and Actress .
we are provide the all information in easy language.
This information also available in MCQ form.
The site aims provide the information in hindi and compelling to customer Experience and user engagement.
In the we are attached the data from newspaper, Wikipedia , book , and other website which is available on internet
NiceConcept Founder of Akhilesh kumar who is the BCA + MCA +Bed and also qualified of the Bank , UPP Computer operator and programmer, BECIL.